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[Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of Salsomaggiore (Italy) thermal water in the treatment of rhinosinusal pathologies].

Passali D, Lauriello M, Passali GC, Passali FM, Cassano M, Cassano P, Bellussi L.

Clin Ter. 2008 May-Jun;159(3):181-8. Italian.


[Efficacy of inhalation therapy with water of Salsomaggiore (Italy) in chronic and recurrent nasosinusal inflammation treatment].

Passali FM, Crisanti A, Passali GC, Cianfrone F, Bocchi M, Messineo G, Bellussi L, Passali D.

Clin Ter. 2008 May-Jun;159(3):175-80. Italian.

[Behavior of serum IgE and IgA in patients with allergic rhinitis treated with iodine bromide thermal water].

Barbieri M, Salami A, Mora F, Casazza A, Sovatzis A, Teglia R, Cordone MP, Mora R.

Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2002 Aug;22(4):215-9. Italian.


[Studies on iodine exchange in thermal therapy with salsobromoiodic water].

Bacolla A, Costa A, Giraudi G, Lorenzini P, Varacca G.

Minerva Med. 1983 Nov 10;74(43):2625-31. Italian.


[Hormonal, metabolic and therapeutic aspects of high iodine levels in a spa environment (Salsomaggiore)].

Costa A, Lorenzini P, Brambati Testori O, Cottino F, Bacolla A.

Minerva Ecol Idroclimatol Fis Sanit. 1977 Jul-Dec;17(3-4):107-17. Italian. No abstract available.


Thyroid performance in an iodine-rich environment (Salsomaggiore spa).

Costa A, Lorenzini P, Brambati-Testori O, Cottino F, De Sanso G.

J Nucl Med Allied Sci. 1977 Jan-Jun;21(1-2):30-6. No abstract available.


[Salsomaggiore waters in gynecological therapy].


Ann Ostet Ginecol. 1951 Jul;73(7):1118-25. Undetermined Language. No abstract available.



[No authors listed]

Br Med J. 1908 Feb 29;1(2461):513-4. No abstract available.


Notes on Health Resorts and Sanatoria: Salsomaggiore: Its Waters and Baths.

Harold J, Richards PA.

Br Med J. 1898 Feb 12;1(1937):443-4. No abstract available.

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